Calories In Honey Maid Cinnamon Graham [NEW] Crackers
Honey Maid makes s\u2019mores fun for the whole family! They alsoserve as inspiration to create a delicious snack. Perfect on their own, Honey Maid Cinnamon Graham Crackers are also great when paired with fruit and spreads, crumbled on ice cream, or added to recipes. Ideal for the home, office, or travel, each box contains three individually sealed sleeves of cinnamon graham crackers to lock in freshness and great taste.
calories in honey maid cinnamon graham crackers
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There are so many popular brands and different types of graham crackers too that it can be confusing. This guide will share information about each of the most popular types of graham crackers and how safe or dangerous they are for your dog.
Most types of graham crackers are safe for dogs to eat small amounts on rare occasions. They are not healthy for your pet and could lead to long term health risks such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
This is because graham crackers are high in calories and sugar, which are contributing factors to an unhealthy weight (and related health issues) for your dog. They can lead to dental problems like tooth decay.
Graham crackers are non-toxic, but they are not good nor healthy for dogs. Even though a dog can safely eat a few graham crackers without getting sick, dogs should not eat foods that are high in sugar.
Nabisco grahams have a lot more flour in them a little less sugar than the Keebler ones. There is still 130 calories in 8 crackers, but 24 grams of carbs. That means there are more carbs in these than the Keebler ones.
Graham crackers are generally safe for dogs. The problem comes from how much they eat and how often they eat it. Dogs that eat too many calories or foods that are high in sugar and carbs could become obese and suffer all the health consequences that comes from it. 350c69d7ab